Mini Makeover Monday - Gold Shell Tray
>> 3.30.2015
I feel like all I've had time to do lately are mini makeovers, but I do have a few bigger things coming. But for today, I'm posting another makeover, and it's one you can do!
I recently discovered the 99¢ Only Store, which is funny because not everything in the store is ONLY 99¢, but I digress. It was your average dollar store-type with average dollar store junk, but I did find a few things like this elephant coin bank, a cute mug, and this plastic shell tray, each 99¢.
Okay, so the shell tray is a little boring, but I knew it could be awesome, so I bought a few and got out my trusty spray paint. Lucky for me, and to my husband's dismay, I keep all the left over spray paint for projects like this, so I have lots of colors on hand.
First I taped off the corners. I was going to lay it upside down to spray paint so I didn't need to cover the inside.
I then sprayed a color on the backside of the shell. There was already a teal faded color treatment on the shell, so I chose colors that would go with that. Because I sprayed the backside, it made the inside of the shell super glossy because the color is showing through the plastic.
Then I sprayed two coats of gold spray paint over that and let it dry completely.
And that was that! I chose not to do a top coat because in my experience it takes the shine off the gold paint, and I didn't want to do that. But if you want a little more durability, you can do it and it will still look nice.
So now I have five of these... who wants one???