Remember when I shared with you my childhood bedroom styles and what our living room looked like in our first home? I thought I'd share a little bit about my design style in the time period between high school and marriage, because I can tell you're just dying to know.
Aside from a few semesters with roommates, I lived with my parents throughout my college years. I was also fortunate enough to work at
Havertys Furniture for the majority of that time as well, and I learned a lot about furniture and the furniture business. Being a poor college student, I definitely couldn't afford most of the things there, but with the help of a healthy employee discount, I saved up to buy this bedroom set from Vaughan.
Well, it was the 1999 version of this set, since they don't make the exact one anymore. But it was worse, if you can imagine that. Would I have picked out something different if I could have afforded it? Possibly. Would it have looked any better? Probably not.
It's just sooo matchy-matchy, but I loved it then and that's all that matters, right? Also imagine sage green walls about this color... and solid sage green bedding. I really liked the color apparently.
But the thing I was most proud of in my room were my black and white photo prints. I loved the thoughtful and whimsical photography of Robert Doisneau and other mid-century photographers, and I chose these four large-scale prints to put in my room. And honestly, the black and white photos up against the green actually didn't look too bad.
Don't you love the freedom in this piece? My favorite is the kid on the right with the tie and suspenders. He doesn't care that he looks like a dork. Nope, he's having FUN.
Champs de Mars Gardens
My degree is in music, so this one was a particular favorite. Don't worry about the hair. Save the cello!
Musician in the Rain
And who doesn't think elephants shoved into telephone booths are adorable?
Trunk Call
I love this photo because it's pretty obvious that he's not gonna make it, but man, he's going for it with arms outstretched. In a time of my life when there was a lot of unknown ahead of me, this photo really spoke to me.
Jumping the Puddle
So there's a little bit about my design style in my 20's and what exciting things were in my room. What about you? How would you describe your design style in your college years? I'd love to hear!