Diamond in the rough

>> 10.30.2013

When Linda had her little boy, she bought this dresser second-hand and painted it white with red hearts to use in her son's nursery 30 years ago. Then when he grew out of the hearts, she threw a few coats of black spray paint on the top. He used it up until he left for the marines, and it has been sitting in her home ever since. I met Linda via Craigslist and bought the dresser from her for $20. We did a porch pick up, so I have never met her face to face, but we have developed a relationship by texting back and forth. We've talked religion, family, her son, and the history of this piece, and I feel blessed that I have been able to get to know her.

Restoring a piece of furniture is a lot of work, and I usually get burned out halfway through the paint stripping process. But this time I was so excited to bring it back to its original natural beauty and show Linda. I knew it was going to be nice once it was completed, but I had no idea it would be THIS beautiful. I am giddy with the results, and so glad that I made a friend in the process.

Wreath Inspiration

>> 10.18.2013

When I started decorating for fall, I realized we only had a single box of dedicated fall decorations. Kinda sad. So first thing I needed to get was a wreath! 

Some of my inspirations were this, this, and this. I initially made one, but just didn't love it. So I went to plan B, learned how to make felt roses, and now I'm addicted to making felt flowers and I love my new wreath! 

And here's a shot of our front porch:

Fall, ya'll

We moved into our new house in March of this year, and I have been patiently waiting for fall to come so I could DECORATE! Here's just a little of what I've done around here. 

Hi, and first blog post

>> 10.09.2013

So I feel a little silly starting this blog, but I would like to start pinning my own stuff to Pinterest and need a place to house my pictures. So here I am, joining the ranks for thousands of stay at home moms documenting their creative adventures through a design/DIY blog. Why did I choose the name Mid-Mod Inspirations? It wasn't my first choice, but the domain names left out there are limited. So until I come up with something brilliant, that's the name I'll stick with for now. 

I rescued this frame from a neighbor's bulk trash pile. It's a pretty old, and very heavy frame, and some of the plaster had been chipped off. But I thought I'd try to give it a new life with a new color. 

After two coats of Emerald Lake by Behr and two coats of poly, I started on the silhouette. I cut out a silhouette of the Salt Lake City Temple and mod podged it to a styrofoam board, which didn't turn out so great because the mod podge caused the temple to bubble up and the board to warp. So after those lessons learned, I might re-do it. 

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