Back in Gear

>> 8.31.2015

This week I went to Salvation Army, where I discovered there were a few changes that had been made to the store since I was last there. When the cashier told me that the changes had been made a month ago, I was shocked.  Had it really been a month since I had been thrifting?! We had a great summer, but my blogging, thrifting and projecting has really taken a back seat.

So anyway, at the thrift store I found this amazing brass reindeer for $10. He's pretty big for a brass figurine, and he's quirky and I love him! After taking some time off from thrifting, finding this figurine was a nice welcome back. I can't wait to get back into the swing of thrifting and blogging, and finally start on some of those projects piled in my garage. 

Christmas is a ways off still, but doesn't this reindeer make you excited and inspired about the coming seasons?


>> 8.26.2015

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The Rug is In

>> 8.11.2015

When we first moved in, I went to At Home (formerly Garden Ridge) and bought a $100 rug for our family room. It was cute, but it was also synthetic, rippley, cheaply made and uncomfortable. After two years of traffic, spilled juice, and pulverized crackers, the rug was totally trashed, and it was time for us to fork over the money for something nicer.

I looked at hundreds of rugs at Rugs USA and ended up with these two contenders:

Although I loved them both, I thought that the herringbone pattern was on the conservative side of my design style, and I felt like going bold this time. So the aztec pattern won in the end, and we love the way it looks in the room.

With the 75% off sale at Rugs USA, we got this 100% wool, high quality rug for $250. In our world, that's a lot of money to spend on a rug, but now that we know what a $100 rug will buy, we won't ever go cheap again.

...or allow crackers and juice.

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