Thrifting Thursday - Chair Love
>> 1.30.2014
Like many of you, I have an obsession with thrifting. The thrill of the hunt, the amazing deals, finding a diamond in the rough...there's nothing like it! Every Thursday I hope to share with you a treasure that I (or maybe even one of you) have found while thrifting, dumpster diving, garage saling, or roadkill rescuing.
Fourth Grade Styling
>> 1.29.2014
I've had the hardest time learning how to accessorize bookcases. For someone like me with no design experience, it's been a real learning curve, and a lot of trial and error. I feel kind of like I am in the fourth grade of styling school, with so much more to learn. I've spent a lot of time researching how to style bookcases, dressers and mantles, and I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it.
I'm pretty sure the pros don't spend an entire morning trying to figure out a space like I did, but I do think in most cases there is no one right way to do it, and it takes some trial and error to find what really works.
photo via Keely Kraft
Red Bed in My Head
>> 1.17.2014
Back in 2012, I was perusing Pinterest when I found this image of two low post beds.
I loved it so much that I decided to refinish a bed for my son, Carter. So that very day I looked on craigslist and found a bed with similar bones for $30. I went to look at it and I was like, um... I don't know about this. It was coated with thick, gloppy, drippy old white paint, which I knew was going to be a beast to remove. But I bought it anyway. Because it was $30 and I was up for the challenge. (And I am a total sucker for the underdog.)
Although I had refinished furniture in the past, this was going to be my very first experience with stripping a piece down to the original wood. I used one natural-type product to start, but it wasn't so great (maybe that's why it was on clearance) and so I switched to Citristrip after reading great things about it. Although it did a much better job, this is what it looked like after two rounds of Citristrip:
This bed has been in the boys room up until we got them bunk beds a couple months ago. It's in our attic right now, but I plan on putting it in our guest room eventually. But for some reason I love this bed so much I will never get rid of it, even when we don't have a use for it anymore. Read more...
Guest Bedroom
>> 1.06.2014