Living Room Rug Choices
>> 7.13.2015
It's time for a new rug in our family room. I purchased a $100 8x10 rug from At Home (formerly Garden Ridge) and I loved the look of it.
But, you know, you get what you pay for, and like Macaulay Culkin, this rug has not aged well.
It was never a comfortable rug to begin with, but now it's rippled, dirty and matted, so it's definitely time for a new one.
So I turned to Rugs USA to find a replacement. I wanted to go with a light color again, because the furniture and floors are dark. And I also wanted to say neutral so that I can change accent colors around the room whenever I want. This girl doesn't like to be tied down by color.
Here are my top two choices. Which one would you pick? Rugs USA almost always has 70% off a large selection of rugs, but sometimes they break out the 75%, so I'll wait for that before I order.