Christmas Mantle 2015

>> 12.08.2015

For our mantle this Christmas I decided to go white and gold and a little traditional. 

 I started with the garland. Last year I used real garland for the first time and I'll never go back. This year I bought a pre-made live garland from Home Depot during Black Friday for $7. I'm not a candlestick person usually, but there's something about candles at Christmas. I want to put them everywhere! I got these brass candle sticks at various thrift stores, the tree was a Hobby Lobby purchase from 2014, the Holy Family is from Picker's Paradise, and the gold hurricane is from Ross. 

Down below is a basket and green magazine rack, both from Salvation Army, and the blanket is actually just two yards of fleece from the fabric store. Oh, and the pom pom pillow on the couch is a pair that I got at Salvation Army as well. I've never bought pillows at a thrift store before, but I couldn't pass up pom pom pillows! 

What does your mantle look like this year?

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