
Long Lost Twins

This is an old high chair that I refinished and used for photo shoots. I painted it aqua and distressed it a little, and then it sat in my garage taking up space for months. In the year that I had it I only used it a couple of times, and so I decided to sell it to another photographer.

So a while back another photographer friend of mine asked if I would be on the lookout for another high chair for her to use, so I kept that in the back of my mind, but not really expecting to find anything.

So imagine my shock when I walked into one of my regular thrift stores and saw the EXACT style high chair. Twins! And when I saw that it was only $7 I about died.

So guess what I did? I painted it aqua.

It's totally like when Sharon cuts her hair at summer camp so she can look just like Susan and trade places with her so that she can meet the father in California she never knew and save him from marrying gold-digger Vicki and reveal her true identity and with Susan's help, ultimately reunite her father and mother who deep inside still truly love each other. Totally.

Maybe I should call her Sharon. 

Or is it Susan? 


1 comment:

  1. Just like twins there is a small difference to help you know the difference. ;)
    You certainly can find the deals.
