
Organization Salvation

Last school year I felt like I did a really poor job of managing the tons of paper, folders and homework that the kids sent home. (Sometimes I feel like it's all a little excessive, don't you?) I knew I couldn't control what the kids brought home, but I knew that there had to be a better way of keeping it straight, so this year I set out to improve my system.

I found this awesome wall pocket at Homegoods and knew it would be perfect for holding my kids stuff. I found some colorful Mead folders to keep their homework and other school papers in and I pulled this magnetic board and calendar out of storage and gave the once-black framed calendar a coat of primer and teal paint.

I chose to put it all in the hallway next to our kitchen, which gets a lot of traffic. It's beside the pantry and laundry room, and this small hallway is also serves as a pass-thru into the office (which is technically a dining room.)

So far this system is working great, and it's also nice to have a pop of color in the hallway!

Do you have an information station set up that works for your family? I'd love to see what you've done in your home!

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